Welcome to Places Realty, where we strive to provide a personalized experience to each individual we encounter!

We are a small, local team with over ten years' experience in the area.  Our mission is to establish relationships with those we encounter and make them a part of our family. It's not just business to us- it's personal. We believe business should be personal!

We Offer:

  • Property Management
  • Real Estate Services & Sales
  • Find-a-Tenant-Service for homeowners who want to manage their own properties

Current Office Hours:  9AM - 4PM Monday through Thursday


Notice to Current Residents:

The Colorado Warranty of Habitability statute, codified at § 38-12-501 et seq., C.R.S., contains explicit responsibilities and remedies for both the Landlord and Tenant concerning use, condition and occupancy of the Premises. Tenant hereby agrees to promptly notify Landlord of any condition described in C.R.S. § 38-12-503(2)(a) by: submission to Places Realty's Buildium tenant portal, or by mail to 3424 Stanford Rd Ste 8, Fort Collins CO 80525, or by email to admin@placesrealtyllc.com  (in addition to any other form of notice as may be required by applicable law). Tenant(s) understands every tenant is entitled to safe and healthy housing under Colorado's warranty of habitability and that a landlord is prohibited by law from retaliating against a tenant in any manner for reporting unsafe conditions in the tenant's residential premises, requesting repairs, or seeking to enjoy the tenant's right to safe and healthy housing.

[El inquilino acepta por la presente notificar de inmediato al propietario sobre cualquier condición descrita en C.R.S. § 38-12-503(2)(a) mediante: envío al portal para inquilinos Buildium de Places Realty, o por correo postal a 3424 Stanford Rd Ste 8, Fort Collins CO 80525, o por correo electrónico a admin@placesrealtyllc.com (además de cualquier otra forma de notificación que pueda requerir la ley aplicable). El inquilino o los inquilinos comprenden que todos los inquilinos tienen derecho a una vivienda segura y saludable según la garantía de habitabilidad de Colorado y que la ley prohíbe al propietario tomar represalias contra un inquilino de cualquier manera por informar condiciones inseguras en las instalaciones residenciales del inquilino, solicitar reparaciones o intentar disfrutar del derecho del inquilino a una vivienda segura y saludable.


Rental Application

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